CutOut, Graphics, Reshape, Text
-  3 min read  -

Learn how to crop image in circle shape in 4 easy steps

Edit Now Shapes are an important part of image editing and graphic designing. Each shape stands for a different meaning. Triangles are used to describe hierarchy and sometimes danger symbols. On the other hand, circles represent harmony and wholeness. They are more inviting. In this blog, you will learn how to crop image in circle… Continue reading Learn how to crop image in circle shape in 4 easy steps

Liquify, Refine, Reshape
-  3 min read  -

Reshape face tool in LightX App to retouch your photo

Edit Now For all those who take their photography very seriously, LightX offers a variety of tools for editing. There are basic ones as well as advanced ones. But what’s the harm in going silly sometimes? Distorting reality? Having fun with the photos? There’s no harm. We have created the Refine and Reshape face Tool… Continue reading Reshape face tool in LightX App to retouch your photo