Learn about how to use the brush-based selective editing to adjust certain selected parts of a photo, without affecting the rest of the photo. Use these tools for professional level editing.
Replace Image ColorEdit Now Getting the right picture or image with the wrong color is an absolute nightmare. Or maybe the colors you have on an image are not the ones you imagined or they simply do not work for you! Did you know you can replace color in image without a heavy software? In… Continue reading Easily replace color in image with LightX App
Edit Now There is something about vintage photo effects and vintage photo filters that immediately catches the eye! Maybe it’s the grainy effect or the old 90s aesthetic that attracts the viewer. But whatever it is, we cannot deny that we have all searched for this effect while editing pictures. Do you know how to… Continue reading How to make a photo look vintage for that retro touch
Edit Now The color pop effect or color splash effect is the one tool you need to add pizzaz in your photos. It takes your photos from 1 to 100, real fast! With color pop app LightX, you can easily make your subject stand out or in general, just make your photo a piece of… Continue reading Color pop app LightX for the best effects!
Recolor Image OnlineEdit Now For all the perfectionists out there who want their photo edits to come out absolutely flawless, you know how tough it gets, don’t you? Some parts of the photo didn’t come out as expected, while others are so perfect you don’t want to touch them. But the edits are applied to… Continue reading Do selective editing in photos with LightX App Brush Tool